GGREC offers licence testing for all levels from foundation to advanced, these are usually held at the clubrooms in Cranbourne. Please contact the Exam Coordinator Graeme Brown VK3BXG to find out when the next exam sessions will be or to learn more about the exam and licensing process. education(AT)
Our Club Frequencies
Club Station VK3BJA Club Rooms Cranbourne
6Mtr Rptr VK3RDD In 52.575 MHz Out 53.575 MHz Cranbourne
70cm Rptr VK3RGW In 431.425 MHz Out 438.425 MHz 91.5Hz Cranbourne
The Rptr is enabled for IRLP (Node 6794) and Echolink (Node 168721 VK3RGW-R)
70cm Rptr VK3RWD In 431.575 MHz Out 438.575 MHz 91.5Hz Mt Worth (Testing)
Club Call in Freqs. HF 28.325 MHz USB and VHF 145.450 MHz FM
Note VK3RGW IRLP/Echolink is not active and is under testing as of 26 07 2024
President Fred Reid VK3FWR
Admin Sec Klaus Illhardt VK3IU
Treasurer Bruce Williams VK3BRW
Leigh Findlay VK3BOW
Ian Jackson VK3BUF
Learning Organiser Graeme VK3BXG
GGREC conducts learning and assessment activities, including Foundation Licence examinations.
Equipment & Facilities Officer
Magazine Editor Paul VK3TGX
GGREC publishes a Club magazine "Gateway" each Month.
Repeater Management
Website Management Mark VK3PKT
408 Old Sale Road
Drouin West 3818
Incorporated association
Club Secretary Bruno VK3BFT
Full Member $50.00
Pensioner Member $40.00
Junior Member $25.00
Extra Family Member $20.00
Fees are due after each April Annual General Meeting.
Fees can be paid by EFT to BSB 633000 - Account 146016746. Always identify your EFT payments.
Fees are subject to change, please contact the club to confirm the current membership fees.
New member applications need to be submitted to the committee using the membership application form. Payment should be done only when advised by the Treasurer as we charge pro-rata fees.